




LanguageVox is a language services company based in Raleigh, NC, Grand Rapids, MI, Charlottesville, VA, and Almería, Spain. It offers translation, interpreting, and copywriting services in 225 languages, including English, Spanish, Swahili, Kinyarwanda, Catalan, Luganda, and Rutooro.

Call ‪(984) 235-5914 or email to request a quote.


LanguageVox provides a wide selection of research, interpreting, translation, and copywriting services in 225 languages.


In-depth research of personal finance and fintech topics

Press releases

Policy manuals

Website content

Article marketing

Academic and Technical Writing

Search engine optimization of your site’s content

Case studies and reviews of your products and services


LanguageVox provides professional translations for all types of documents from birth certificates to company policy manuals.

We work with the following languages:


All our translators are native speakers of the target language. This guarantees the translations are not only accurate but also read naturally with the hallmark sound and rhythm of your target language or dialect.


LanguageVox provides certified Spanish and Swahili interpreters throughout North Carolina, Michigan, and Virginia. We specialize in court and medical interpreting, but also offer our services for:


Training seminars

Community programs

Business meetings

We also offer telephone interpreting in 225 languages:

Ackeim Czech Indonesian Mien Shona
Afrikaans Dakota Inuktitut Mina Sichuan
Afghan Farsi Danish Italian Mirpuri Sicilian
Akan Dari Jakartanese Mixteco Alto Sindhi
Akateko Dinka Japanese Mixteco Bajo Sinhalese
Albanian Dioula Javanese Mixteco Slovak
Amharic Dutch Kamba Mnong Slovenian
Anaang Estonian Kanjobal Moldavian Somali
Anuak Ewe Kaqchikel Mongolian Soninke
Arabic Falam Karen Montenegrin Soprani
Armenian Fanti Kasmiri Mossi Sorani
Ashante Farsi (Persian) Kazakh Moroccan (Arabic) Spanish
Ashanh Fijian Hindi Khmer (Cambodian) Navajo Sudanese
Assyrian Finnish Ki’che Neapolitan Sudanese (Arabic)
Azerbaijani Flemish Kinyarwanda Nepali Susu
Azeri French Kirghiz Nigerian (Pidgin English) Swahili
Bahasa (Malaysia) French Canadian Kirundi Norwegian Swedish
Bajuni Fukienese Kiswahali Nuer Sylheti
Balinese Fula Korean Oaxaca Tagalog
Bambara Fulani Kosovan Ojibway Taishanese
Bashkir Fuzhou Krio Oromo Taiwanese
Basque Ga Kurdish Pahari Tajik
Behdini Gaddang Kurmanji Pampangan Tamil
Belorussian Gaelic Lahu Pangasinan Telugu
Bengali Georgian Laotian Pashto Thai
Berber German Latvian Patois Tibetan
Bodo Greek Lingala Pidgin English Tigre
Bosnian Gujarati Lithuanian Polish Tigrinya
Bulgarian Haitian Creole Luganda Portuguese Tongan
Burmese Hakka Luo Portuguese Creole Trique
Cakchiquel Hakka-Chinese Luxembourgeois Pothwari (Potwari) Tshiluba
Cambodian Hakka Chinn Maay Pulaar (Fula) Turkish
Cape Verdean Hassaniyya (Arabic) Macedonian Punjabi Twi
Cantonese Chinese Hebrew Malagasy Puxian Chinese Ukrainian
Catalan Hindi Malay Quichua (Ecuador) Urdu
Chaldean Hmong Malayalam Quiche Uyghur
Chamorro Hokkien Malinka Rhade Uzbek
Chavacano Hopi Maltese Romani Vlach Vietnamese
Cherokee Hudanese Mam Romanian Visayan
Chiu Chow Hungarian Mandarin Chinese Russian Wenzhou
Chuukese Ibanag Mandingo Samoan Wolof
Cree Ibo Mandinka Sango Yiddish
Creole Icelandic Marathi Sanskirt Yoruba
Cupik Igbo Marshallese Serbian Zande
Croatian Illocano Maututu Shanghainese Zapoteco
    • In-depth research
    • Industry studies and reports
    • Specialization in personal finance and fintech topics


    • United States (616) 259-0265

    Contact Us

    • Website Content
    • Landing Pages
    • Localization and Translation of Content
    • Search Engine Optimization
    • Press Releases
    • Article Marketing
    • Service and Product Reviews
    • English, Spanish, Swahili, and Catalan


    • Telephone Interpreting in 225 languages
    • Certified Court Interpreters
    • Certified Medical Interpreters
    • Spanish
    • Swahili
    • English
    • Catalan
    • Kinyarwanda


    • Certified Native Translators
    • Catalan
    • Spanish
    • Swahili
    • Kinyarwanda
    • Rutooro
    • Luganda
    • Amharic



These are some of the clients we have worked with throughout the years:

  • Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • Michigan State Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  • Virginia’s Judicial System – Foreign Language Services
  • Pennsylvania Department of Education
  • HBO – VICE
  • PBS
  • SuperMoney
  • Houston Chronicle
  • San Francisco Chronicle
  • The Nest
  • Allegan General Hospital
  • Borgess Health
  • Midwest Case Management
  • Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital
  • Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services
  • Mercy Health
  • My Community Dental Centers
  • All
  • Translation
  • Localization
  • Subtitles
  • Medical Documents & Forms
  • Legal Documents
  • Legal Documents & Forms